Свет памяти твирин убьёт..
Вот так вот.) Любимая цитата.)
"No half measures, no regrets. We'll tell no stories of this day. It will be as if it never existed at all." — Ganedor, loxodon mystic
И ещё одна :3
DANGER! Keep appendages clear of front of machine. And rear of machine. And side of machine. And top of machine.
"No half measures, no regrets. We'll tell no stories of this day. It will be as if it never existed at all." — Ganedor, loxodon mystic
И ещё одна :3
DANGER! Keep appendages clear of front of machine. And rear of machine. And side of machine. And top of machine.
а мне нравится это:
Молотилка Бритвенных Полей
в оригинале оно звучит круче)